Thursday, April 26, 2007

Quotes Of the Day

Hey I was sitting and getting bored in my office. So found some quotes
that I think That you all should give a thought. Hehe...... Nevermind.
Here They Are

- It's Best to avoid standing between a competitive jerk and his goals

- It takes 43 muscles to Frown and 17 to Smile, But it Doesn't Take Any
to Just Sit There With A Dumb Look On Your Face.

- Always remember that you are unique, Just like everybody else.

- No one can make you feel inferior without your consent, but you would
be a fool to withold that from your superiors

- Leaders are like Eagles. We don't have Either of them here.

- If a pretty poster and a cute saying is all it takes to motivate you,
You probably have a very easy job. The kind Robots will be doing soon.

- You can do anything you set your mind to when you have Vision,
Determination and an endless supply of Expendable Labor

- Power Corrupts, Absolute power corrupts absolutely, But it rocks
Absolutely too.

- Some People live to dream of success, while other people live to crush
those dreams.

- The journey of thousand miles sometimes end very very baadly.

- You aren't being paid to believe in power of your own Dreams.

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